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food for the world

Welcome to Food For The World, Inc.

Our Mission

Mission is to help alleviate hunger and malnutrition by providing free access nutritious foods to the low and moderate income families, homeless, Elderly, and individuals. As well as health programs, wellness information, advocacy, job training and related support services to insure and inspire healthier, happier and more stable communities in the Lawrence, Merrimack Valley and Essex County of Massachusetts
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food for the world
food for the world
food for the world

Nutrition and Wellness Program

Weekly Food Distribution (Five food pantries)

As the largest food pantry in our county serving over 2,775 families on a weekly basis. In 2014, FFTW, Inc. has distributed over 947,837 lbs of food to over 9,737 individuals which is 506,324 meals annually than the previous year, a significant 40% increase. On Thanksgiving alone of 2014, we distributed 2,059 turkey; 956 chicken and food baskets to 2,701 individuals. We have seen many lives changes for the better, especially during these difficult economic times.

Health Screening Program

We offer quarterly health screenings for our clients to promote better health and wellness through our partnership with the Greater Lawrence Family Health Center Clinic and the City of Lawrence. These screenings are for cholesterol, diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular diseases and are available 4x a year to all of our clients free of charge.

Diet and Nutritional Counseling

We offer diet and nutritional counseling sessions in-house for our clients. A certified nutritionist conducts classes on various aspects of better living, healthier lifestyles, dieting and exercise. More than 100 people participated in the last diet and nutritional classes. The next session will specifically focus on nutrition for diabetics and we are expecting the number of attendees to increase.
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food for the world
food for the world
food for the world

Other Health related Services

Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases

improving cardiovascular health within the community.

In Health /En Salud program

for the senior population with in Merrimack Valley area and Essex County.

Creative Nutritional

for all the low-income Mothers with their young children educate on how better to utilize the foods and apply a healthier eating method.

Mom’s health and wellness program

to improve pregnancy care and early childhood visits within the community of Lawrence of Massachusetts.

Community services and Job training

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food for the world
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